Friday, December 21, 2007

Thing 23: Relfections

I found learning about our 23 Things to be very enjoyable. The Things exposed me to a few new tools, tools I'd heard about but hadn't explored and taught me more about the tools I had been using.

I think 23 Things were just enough of a sampling; sometimes they seemed like too much. By the end I didn't want them to end - I enjoyed learning new things and being able to draw on the expertise of library staff when some of the Things were difficult.

Thank you 23 Things team, for doing such a great job of educating me about Web 2.0.

Thing 22: Best of Web 2.0

I took a look at several Web 2.0 winners I hadn't examined during the earlier part of our "23 Things".

Pandora is fun and a definite keeper. I liked Wufoo form builder too but I think I'd be more likely to use it from home, not work. I'm pretty good with the tools I have at work so it isn't necessary. It is nice to be able to use from home.